TherionArms - fine reproduction historical swords, weapons, and armor

site updates 03/07/25
 updated 03/07/25
 updated 03/07/25
 updated 03/07/25
 updated 02/23/25
 updated 02/11/25
 updated 12/27/24
 updated 02/18/25
 updated 12/16/24
 updated 12/01/24

latest revisions


new and featured/
sharp swords/
blunt swords/
japanese and chinese swords/
shields and bucklers/
world antiques/
antiques sold gallery/

listings begun 3/94 page last modified 01/23/11

recent updates 02/23/25: Kingston Arms bollock dagger (new! added 02/23).
As you likely have heard, the main Hanwei factory closed at the end of 2024 and production of their swords is being shifted over to Kingston Arms / Dragon King Forge. Fresh shipments are not likely to arrive until Fall 2025. Availability notations on the Sharp swords and Blunt swords pages are as of 03/07/25. Most are expected to be sold out / unavailable soon.

If you find a broken link or have a link suggestion, send mail.
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Western Martial Arts

These are the people breathing new life into a dead art form. Thank you all very much.
- TherionArms(numbah one with a bullet!)
- James Arlen, Artist Metalsmith (custom heat treated spring steel historical reproductions, etc.) (added 07/01/02)
- Ironmonger Armory (armoring tools - make your own! SCA armor, too) (link updated 02/07/05)
- Christian Fletcher medieval armor (historical repros, combat armor, and Angus Trim swords)
- Iron Wolf Armouries (reproduction, film, and SCA armor) (added 5/18/01)
- Merchant Medieval (armor, weapons, custom work) (link updated 03/19/07)
- Manning Imperial (armor and weaponry, etc. (Australia)) (link updated 8/18/00)
- Mandrake Armory (SCA gauntlets, shields, accessories) (link updated 6/19/01)
- Illusion Armoring (great looking historic armor and SCA armor in primo and munitions grades) (link updated 8/22/01)
- Waldryks Arms & Armory (inexpensive stainless steel SCA armor)
- Valentine Armouries (beautiful historic armor)
- Stirling Brown (Gothic and Norman armor (U.K.))
- Ice Falcon Armory (stainless steel SCA armor)
- DarkHeart Armoury (SCA armor)
- Anshelm Arms and Armor (reproduction-grade SCA armor)
- Crimson HammerArmoury (SCA and historic, mild or stainless)
- Truehearth Armoury (SCA armor (Canada)) (link updated 12/10/07)
- Karl of Germany (museum quality etched and embossed armor)(added 1/31/00)
- Otto's Armory (SCA armor) (added 4/15/00)
- Blankenshield Armory (armor for steel weapons training and jousting)(added 6/4/00)
- The Armchair Armoury (LARP armor and armor kits (U.K.)) (added 8/3/00)
- Armour of America (modern body and vehicle armor) (added 9/9/00)
- Targemaker (museum-quality Scottish targes (Scotland)) (added 9/10/00)
- Dark Victory Armory (SCA plastic sport armor)(added 10/9/00)
- White Mountain Armoury, LLC (quality SCA and costume armor) (added 11/5/00)
- The Jelling Dragon (helmets, armor, swords, etc. (U.K.)) (link updated 3/06/01)
- Bokalo's Armoury (SCA armor, helmet specialist, only guy I know making brayettes) (added 3/25/01)
- Thaden Armoury (SCA helmets and some interesting pieces) (added 3/25/01)
- KragAxe Armoury (SCA armor) (added 6/23/01)
- Nix Imperial Creations (Greek and Roman armor) (added 9/21/01)
- Fireside Armoury (Dark Ages, Crusades, and 14th century armor) (link updated 05/21/02)
- K+K Art (historcal replicas (Czech Republic)) (added 1/1/02)
- Medieval Arms and Armour (historical reproductions - Australia) (link updated 01/18/02)
- OnLineArmory (custom armor (Dallas, Tx)) (added 04/02/01)
- DeCordene WireWorks (combat-grade maille and supplies) (link updated 04/15/02)
- Medieval Reproductions (custom made reproduction armor (Canada)) (link updated 04/15/02)
- Christopher Dobson, Master Armourer (former Royal Armouries main dude! (U.K.)) (added 04/20/02)
- Mallet D'Argent(Master Cadwallon - historcal reproductions) (link updated 11/01/02)
- James River Armoury (SCA and custom reproductions) (added 12/30/02)
- L'Armurerie Dube' (historcal reproduction armor (Canada - in French)) (added 03/07/03)
- Clang Armory (custom-made SCA and historical armor) (added 05/11/03)
- Red Falcon Armouries (SCA stainless steel armor) (link updated 05/16/03)
- Age of Armour (armor by William Hurt) (link updated 11/26/03)
- Robert MacPherson, Armourer (highest quality reproductions) (link updated 11/28/03)
- Lonely Mountain Forge (new website - 02/04/09)
- Pittbull Armory (steel armor for dogs, horses, squirrels, *and* people) (added 12/01/09)
- Tower Armouries (formally (UK's leading supplier of lightweight Polyurethane Armour and Costume Props to the film industry) (added 07/27/10)

The other side of the equation. Defense evolves as
offense evolves.
- Purpleheart Armory (wasters - European wooden training weapons)(link updated 1/27/00)
- Salamander Armoury (beautiful reproductions and custom work by Jim Hrisoulas)
- Kris Cutlery (sturdy yet inexpensive) (link updated 11/17/00)
- Arms & Armor (by Chris Poor, one of the best) (link updated 10/10/00)
- Lundegaard Armoury (nice fantasy weapons)
- Starfire Swords (indestructible blunt stage combat swords) (link updated 10/19/02)
- Himalayan Imports (*real* khukuris - for those of us who have never seen anything but cheap junk)
- Sword and Stone (swords and armor by Tony Swatton)
- Del Tin Swords (homepage, but you must order through a dealer) (link updated 12/11/00)
- Armour Class (sharps and blunts, custom made (Scotland))
- Oso Forge (hand-forged knives and cutlery)
- Raven Armoury (U.K.)
- Wally Hayes (custom damascus swords and knives) (added 12/1/99)
- Omega Artworks (interesting fantasy swords and weapons)(added 6/9/00)
- Damasteel AB (damascus steel sword and dagger billets (Sweden)) (added 6/9/00)
- Baltimore Knife & Sword Company (handcrafted knives, swords, armour)(added 6/9/00)
- Licata Custom Knives & Armor (interesting fantasy weaponry) (added 6/9/00)
- Pavel Moc (magnificent historical work (Czech Republic)) (added 07/22/00)
- Lutel (beautiful reproduction weaponry (Czech Republic)) (link updated 01/23/11)
- Die Traumschmiede (swords and weapons (Germany)) (added 10/9/00)
- Luna Arms (Germany) (added 10/9/00)
- Viking Metal Works (swords, armor, accessories (Canada)) (link updated 10/19/02)
- Bjorns svardssida (historical reproduction swords and sword info (Sweden)) (added 11/17/00)
- WKC Solingen (military swords and ceremonial swords (Germany)) (added 2/17/01)
- ARMART (handmade swords, daggers, firearms (Czech Republic)) (link updated 4/25/01)
- Castle Keep (custom historical swords - U.K.) (link updated 5/21/01)
- Don Fogg Custom Knives (knives, swords, and bladesmithing info) (added 5/22/01)
- Phoenix Metal Creations (custom historical swords) (added 8/08/01)
- Kirby D. Wise & Son, Arms and Armour (hand-forged reproduction swords, daggers, polearms) (link updated 9/09/01)
- Sabersmith Hand-made Weapons (fantasy weaponry) (link updated 12/23/01)
- Vladimir Cervenka, Sword Cutler (beautiful historical work (Czech Republic)) (link updated 01/03/02)
- Fortebraccio Medieval Arms (swords, daggers, coifs, hauberks (Perugia, Italy)) (added 03/01/02)
- Scotland's Swords (decorative reproductions from Edinburgh (U.K.)) (added 05/23/02)
- Jack W. Crain Knives (custom knives and swords, Hollywood style) (added 05/29/02)
- Odin Blades (historically inspired and fantasy swords and knives) (added 06/18/02)
- TEMPL (swords and weapons by Patrick Barta (Czech Republic)) (link updated 06/17/07)
- Fabrica de Espadas Mariano Zamorano (Toledo swordmaker) (added 07/24/02)
- Nostro-Swords (South Africa) (added 12/11/02)
- TritonWorks Custom Scabbards (custom sword scabbards) (link updated 11/28/03)
- Lancaster's Armourie (Stage swords, armor, and LARP supplies (U.K.)) (link updated 11/28/03)

Instructional materials on fighting and armoring.
- Cry Havoc! (newsletter reprints of SCA fighting info)
- Select Bibliography on Medieval Tournaments
- Pictorial glossary of armor terms
- Secret History of the Sword (essays, book available)
- Society Earl Marshal - SCA (official SCA combat rules and conventions) (added 7/31/00)
- Espada y Sables (identification of 1800's Spanish military swords) (added 11/17/00)
- Shields: Terminology and History (Pitt Rivers Collections (U.K.)) (added 2/11/01)
- Indian Antelope Horn Shields (everything SCA fighters need to know about the Madu) (added 2/11/01)
- The origins of the two-handed sword (article, Journal of Western Martial Art) (link updated 10/26/08)
- European Knife Directory (history of traditional European knives) (added 2/28/01)
- Ritual Weapons (ethnohistoric study of weapons and meaning) (added4/22/01)
- Old Sword Play - by Alfred Hutton (Victorian era instructions based on practice and study) (link updated 12/22/07)
- Marcus Junkelmann (Roman military equipment and warfare (Germany)) (link updated 5/03/01)
- SCA melee fighting website (Good resource of collected links and articles) (added 6/30/01)
- Federico's Moro Swords(typology of weapons from the Philippines) (added 7/17/01)
- Hanger and Baldric from the Royal Museum of Scotland (detail photos from a museum visit) (added 8/21/01)
- Making your own wooden weapons (howto by Kim Taylor) (added 8/21/01)
- Matthew Amt's Greek Hoplite page (superb research and construction details) (link updated 05/30/02)
- Chinese Military Technology (siegecraft, weaponry, crossbow diagrams) (added 06/29/02)
- The sword and buckler tradition (essay on history and use) (added 07/24/02)
- Liechtenauer's Sword & Buckler Teachings (set-plays and how-to!) (added 07/24/02)
- The Bladeturner Armoury (lots of information and a huge pattern library) (added 10/18/02)
- Basic Armoring by Paul Blackwell (pdf file, a great introduction) (link updated 11/29/09)
- Primary Sources dealing with Medieval Military History and Warfare (primo stuff!) (link updated 11/28/03)
- Armamentarivm (the book of Roman arms and armor) (link updated 11/28/03)

These sites are exclusively dedicated to the study of
armor, weapons, and combat. See the Western Martial Arts section for more
inclusive sites.
- Knighthood, Chivalry & Tournaments Resource Library (Historical documents, articles, reviews and essays on knighthood both as it applied to the medieval knight and as it applies to modern re-enactors and chivalric societies)
- The Arador Armour Library (This is a Library of Information to Promote History Through the Study and Recreation of Period Armour and Armoured Fighting)
- The Armour Archive (The Archive is an on-line Journal devoted to teaching people how to make armour)
- Sword Forum International (Dedicated to the Art, Forging, Collecting, and Practitionary Use of Swords of Various Cultures and Time Periods)
- The Oakeshott Institute (nonprofit education and research center) (added 4/25/01)
- Medieval Sword Resource Site (forums, collector's guide, pictures, links (link updated 5/26/01)
- Internet Sword Collector's Association (added 11/26/99)
- The Society for Medieval Military History (added 09/24/02)
- (a resource for historic arms and armour collectors) (link updated 11/28/03)

Over the past ten years or so, the internet has facilitated the spread of scholarly research and recreation of medieval and renaissance fighting techniques. Here are some of the organizations and schools studying and teaching historical combat styles, as well as symposia and seminars for training and instruction.
- Die Schlachtschule School of Battle (New Jersey, Los Angeles) - dedicated to harnischfechten
- Lansing International Swordfighting and Martial Arts Convention (Aug. 1-3, Lansing, Mich.) (2003 link updated 05/11/03)
- Medieval Swordsmanship Symposium and Pas d'Armes (June 7-9, Livermore, Calif.) (added 03/20/02)
- Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts (Toronto, Canada)
- The Association for Renaissance Martial Arts (ARMA, formerly The HACA) (Houston, Texas) (link updated 01/06/02)
- Martinez Academy of Arms (Maestro Martinez - New York City area)
- The Chicago Swordplay Guild (Chicago, Illinois)
- The Swordplay Alliance (Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama)
- La Federazione Italiana di Scherma Antica e Storica (Maestro Sinclair - Italy)
- In Ferro Veritas (Ithaca, New York)
- The International Hoplology Society (studies human combative behavior) (link updated 01/18/02)
- A Report on the First Annual Swordplay Symposium International (and I was there! (Houston, May 2000)) (added 10/21/00)
- 2nd International Western Martial Arts Workshop (and I was there, too! (Toronto, October 2000)) (added 10/21/00)
- Journal of Western Martial Arts (articles) (added 2/13/01)
- Die Freifechter (German WMA organization) (link updated 01/02/03)
- The Exiles (company of medieval martial artists (U.K.)) (added 3/8/01)
- 2nd Annual Lansing International Swordfighting and Martial Arts Convention (Lansing, Michigan, August 3-5, 2001) (added 4/22/01)
- Alliance Martial Arts (Ithaca, N.Y.) (added 11/12/01)
- Tattershall Scool of Defense (Flagstaff and Phoenix, Arizona) (added 06/17/02)
- Gallowglass Academy (Chicago, Illinois) (added 07/12/02)
- Proposed rules for the SCA sidesword experiment (added 08/29/02)
- The Academy of European Swordsmanship (Alberta and Edmonton, Canada) (added 09/08/02)
- The European Historical Fencing Alliance (umbrella organization) (added 11/11/02)
- Practical Capo Ferro (rapier manual translation by W.Wilson) (added 12/05/02)
- American Jousting Alliance (training in Lockwood, California) (added 08/10/04)

Usenet is dead. Here is where the real knowledge is
being shared.
- Die
Schlachtschule (Yahoo group dedicated to historical armored combat study)
- Sword Forum International
- NetSword
- The Armour Archive
- Ethnographic Arms & Armor Forum
- Tempus vivet (German forum and recreation info (Germany)) (added 1/04/01)
- BladeForums (knife discussions) (added 6/29/01)
- FireStryker Living History Forum (added 02/26/02)
- AxeForum International (axes, polearms, maces, warhammers, etc.) (added 12/03/02)

Here's where to study the real stuff without leaving the comfort of your own computer.
- Therion's arms and armor page (the granddaddy of web exhibitions, created 1994)
- Metropolitan Museum of Art (armor exhibition)(link updated 4/1/00)
- Philadelphia Museum of Art (exhibitions page - arms & armor pics coming soon)
- Royal Armouries Mueseum (the collection formerly known as the Tower of London Armoury)
- Higgins Armory Museum (the Mecca of armor enthusiasts in North America)
- Shields and Weapons in the Pitt Rivers Collections (with tons of scholarly description (U.K.)) (added 2/11/01)
- George's pictures (Russian, Japanese, ethnographic weapons) (added 7/2/01)
- Portuguese Armory Exhibition 1991 (added 02/03/02)
- German Historical Museum, Berlin (link to armor section) (added 04/30/02)
- Historiska museet Korsbetningen (the Battle of Wisby excavations) (added 05/30/02)
- The Wallace Collection (a great collection to visit (U.K.)) (link updated 11/28/03)

- Darkwood Armory (excellent fencing swords and hilts) (link updated 3/27/00)
- Syke's Sutlery (fencing and 16th/17th century goodies.)
- Index to Vincentio Saviolo his Practise
- Elizabethan Fencing
- Academy of Defence (SCA and historical rapier reference)
- The Ansteorran Rapier (SCA rapier fighting in Texas)
- The Teachings of Marozzo(recent translation)
- Caranza
- The Arte of Defense (added 11/26/99)
- Popinjay's (SCA rapiers, swords, etc.) (added 2/17/01)
- Statistics on ninety-eight rapiers from 1530 to 1700 (weight & length) (added 2/17/01)
- Alchem Incorporated (SCA/WMA rapiers and etc.) (added 03/27/02)
- James the Just (SCA rapiers and Hanwei resale) (added 10/09/02)

No longer in the spotlight of my personal interests, Eastern martial arts still can be every bit as valid as Western martial arts :).
- Richard Stein's Japanese Sword Index (excellent resource site)(link updated 04/18/02)
- Sho-shin (appraisal theory, history, acquisitions and sales)
- Japanese Sword Society Homepage
- W.M. Hawley Publications (books and pamphlets)
- Japanese Sword Arts FAQ
- Morgan Valley Forge (American smith doing Japanese swords)
- Sei Do Kai Catalog (training manuals, videos, uniforms, and weapons)
- Well-link Samurai Sword (antiques and repro's, located in Japan)(added 12/24/99)
- (custom crafted swords) (added 4/13/00)
- Tameshigiri (straw mats for test cutting) (added 6/22/00)
- The Last Legend (special competition cutting blades by Paul Chen) (added 10/10/00)
- Dragonfly Forge (Michael Bell, Japanese-trained swordsmith) (link updated 11/8/00)
- Wakagashira (construction of Japanese armor) (added 2/13/01)
- Shidogakuin (kendo and iaido schools in New England) (added 01/07/02)
- Koryu Online (Classical martial arts of Japan) (link updated 01/18/02)
- Ikkyudo (Japanese swords and fittings and Asian art) (added 01/24/02)
- Southern California Naginata Federation (link updated 07/17/02)
- lfowler martial arts page (link updated 07/17/02)
- Katchu Seisakuben (online Japanese armor construction manual - *the* resource!) (link updated 06/30/05)
- Fred Lohman company (Japanese sword parts & supplies)

Collect real weapons and armor. Better return than a
401k and great for home decoration.
- TherionArms Antique and Reproduction Arms and Armor (highest possible recommendations! :))
- Oriental-Arms (Asian and African weapons)(added 2/1/00)
- LionGate: Buyers and Sellers of Antique Edged Weapons (excellent source)
- N2S's Knife Trader's Corner (military and custom knives and more) (added 11/20/02)
- Ashoka Arts (ethnographic, eastern, and ancient weapons) (added 9/1/00)
- Kris Cutlery (Sandata - Weapons of the Malay world) (link updated 11/17/00)
- Culloden House Antiques (Canada)
- Grande Armee Militaria (militaria dealer and search service)
- Kelley's Military Antiques (classifieds & lots of info for collectors)
- (has an edged weapons page, mostly civil war-ish)
- Hermann Historica (German auction house)
- Fine Antique Arms, Armour, & Works of Art (a really impressive collection!)
- Jansa Antique Arms Co.
- Jon's Swords (sword and other militaria)
- Scottish Sword & Shield (authentic and repros)
- (auction listings and search services)
- Ron Ruble Enterprises (really nice stuff) (9/17/99)
- Le Hussard (French militaria dealer) (link updated 4/1/00)
- (added 11/19/99)
- Coyote's Paw Gallery (link to weapons section) (added 11/23/99)
- Arms to Armor (sales and info)(link updated 2/12/00)
- Steve Gane Antique Arms and Armour (England) (added 3/6/00)
- The Discriminating General's swords (French and British Napoleonic swords)(added 6/9/00)
- Michael D. Long, Ltd (formerly Trident Arms (England)) (added 6/11/00)
- Rod Akeroyd & Son Fine Antique Arms and Armor (quality antique firearms, armor and weapons) (U.K.)) (added 8/13/00)
- Les Adamson Antiques (European and Eastern weapons (U.K.)) (added 10/24/00)
- Collectible Firearms and Edged Weapons (added 12/11/00)
- Hank's Cyberantiques (includes weapons section) (added 12/11/00)
- Ron and Shirley Watson's Fine Antiques & Collectibles (includes swords, guns, and cannon) (added 1/02/01)
- Allen Antiques (specializing in European armor) (added 1/5/01)
- Fredericks Antique Swords (wide selection, print catalogs available) (added 1/7/01)
- N. Flayderman & Co., Inc. (well-respected catalog dealer, now online) (added 2/23/01)
- Alan Cook, antique arms and armor (and guns) (added 7/03/01)
- ABCollection Militaria (militaria collector's website (France)) (added 9/04/01)
- Arsenal (lots of goodies (Germany)) (added 01/04/02)
- Napoleonica (French Napoleonic military antiques) (link updated 01/05/02)
- W. Fagan & Co., Inc (company known for catalog sales) (link updated 01/09/02)
- Huangfu's Antique Arms (Chinese swords and other weapons) (link updated 01/10/02)
- United Kingdom Arms and Armor (resource page for U.K. collectors) (link updated 01/11/02)
- John C. Denner Co. (one of the most respected dealers in the world) (link updated 2/20/02)
- Armsbid antique arms & ammo auction (mostly guns, some swords) (link updated 07/17/02)
- Czerny's International Auction House (fine arms and armour auctions) (Italy)) (link updated 07/17/02)
- John Gunderson Antique Militaria (guns, swords, accoutrements, etc.) (link updated 12/30/02)
- British Military Swords (an online resource for collectors (U.K.)) (link added 11/15/04)

Warfare is not just single or melee combat.
- Grey Company trebuchet page
- Trebuchet Resource site (includes construction plans!)
- The trebuchet at the NF/Observatory, New Mexico
- The Bungeelista (detailed plans for rubber-powered SCA siege weapon)
- The Catapult Museum Online
- The Geometry of War, 1500-1750 (from the Oxford Museum, U.K.)
- Nova online - Medieval Siege (TV special) (added 2/2/00)
- Timber Framers Guild Trebuchet Project (link updated 01/10/02)
- The Algorithmic Beauty of the Trebuchet (physics, program, links) (link updated 04/18/02)
- (desktop models & info) (link updated 10/19/02)

Now that's entertainment!
- Forte Stage Combat (sword rental and sales)
- The Ring of Steel (theatrical, stage, and film combat)
- American Fencers Supply Company
- The Atlanta Stage Combat studio
- British Academy of Stage & Screen Combat
- Society of American Fight Directors
- Arms & Archery (weapon and armor suppliers for film & TV (U.K.)) (added 11/5/00)
- Western Stage Props (ropes, whips, guns, and ammo - sounds like my love life!) (added 11/17/00)
- Historical Fencing and Stage Combat (organisation and information (France)) (added 12/06/00)
- Art of Combat (choreographers and combatants available) (added 4/22/01)
- The Duellists (entertainers on the western US Renaissance Faire circuit) (added 5/24/01)

Death from afar, the next best thing to being there.
- Kingslayer Armory (traditional archery supplies) (link updated 12/04/06)
- New World Arbalest (crossbows) (link updated 01/10/02)
- (traditional archery and bows of Mongolia, Turkey and the Magyar people)
- Three Rivers Archery Supply (traditional and primitive archery) (added 12/10/00)
- Traditional Archery Scandinavia (historical bows of many nations (Scandinavia)) (added 2/15/01)
- (Home of International horse archery) (added 2/15/01)
- (sales of bows and arrows) (added 2/15/01)
- International Horn Bow Society (added 2/15/01)
- Crossbows & bolts (info on modern crossbows and accessories) (link added 11/11/04)

Knights in armor weren't the only warriors of the Middle Ages. Peasants have been shooting at them since the late 1300's.
- (early period boom-sticks and info) (site will return some day ...)
- Cannon-Mania (miniature cannon - info and sales) (added 10/9/00)
- AAA Munitions (antique artillery ammunition and supplies) (added 10/9/00)
- Gun Works Muzzleloading Emporium (mostly flintlock and percussion) (added 11/8/00)
- Band Guns (cool toys that go twang)
- Historical firearms (discussion on pre-1600 firearms for SCA use)
- Gunnery 101 (always practise safe cannonry) (added 6/9/00)
- Cannonman's homepage (some pictures)
- Making a matchlock (from Tattershall Arms) (added 8/13/00)
- First Captain's Company (matchlock details photographs) (added 9/06/01)
- The Rifle Shoppe (mostly flintlock and percussion) (link updated 01/11/02)
- Calderon's Company Matchlock page (Spanish 16th century reenactors) (link updated 07/17/02)
- History, Safety, Care, and Feeding of Period GunsCannon drill 101 (added 09/09/02)
- Hern Iron Works (makers of cannon barrels) (link updated 11/28/03)
- Hand Gonnes and Matchlocks (history of firearms to 1500) (link updated 07/01/04)

The best clothes, the best armor, the best weapons, the BMF's of the Renaissance.
- The Guild of St. Maximillian (California) (link updated 5/24/01)
- (under construction)
- Stefan's Florilegium: medieval and renaissance mercenaries (collected info from (added 9/9/00)
- PNW-Fechschule (landsknecht group on Yahoo) (added 04/02/01)
- Das TeufelsAlpdrucken Fahnlein (Devil's Nightmare Regiment landsknecht recreationists) (link updated 11/28/03)
- Stefan's Florilegium: German mercenaries (collected info from (link updated 11/28/03)

a new interest and a new section. initial links from
The Bayo-Hunter (thanks!)
- The Bayo-Hunter
- Otto's Bayonet Listings
- P&S Guns and Militaria
- The Bayonet Connection
- Siggis Bajonettseite
- Japanese Bayonets
- Association Franēaise des Collectionneurs de Baļonnettes
- Bajonette des deutschen Kaiserreich 1871-1918
- Jeffrey Hayes Bayonets
- Siggis Bajonettseite
- Bayonets4u
- Bayonet Collector's of the World Club (link updated 06/14/02)
- Bayonets of Scandinavia(link updated 11/26/03)
- Baionnette Passion (link updated 11/28/03)

maille, everything else, and as-yet unsorted links.
- Alexander's Pennsic War pages(great sourfe of info on the SCA Pennsic War) (added 07/24/02)
- Malachi's Mail
- Sara's Chainmail Connection (all the links you need)
- ChainMaille Fashions (extremely decorative mail) (link updated 9/01/01)
- The Universal Currency Converter (great for figuring foreign prices)
- Costume Armour Inc. (vacuum-formed kydex theatrical armor)
- The Costume Page (historical costuming resources links)
- The History of Costume (by Braun & Scheider - good pics)
- How to build a Stormtrooper costume (good how-to for making vacuum formed plastic armor)
- Footwear of the Middle Ages (what to wear under your sabatons)
- Re-Creation, Re-Enactment, and Living History Groups (listings and contact information) (link updated 6/9/00)
- The Castles of Wales
- Moscow Hide and Fur (critter parts make great decorations with your sword & armor displays)
- The Internet Medieval Sourcebook (do your research!)
- Medieval manuscript leaves (not armor or weapons, but still way cool) (link updated 01/02/03)
- The Towton Project (skeletal analysis from Battle of Towton) (added 11/17/99)
- Paul's Keris page(added 11/26/99)
- Madu information (one of these would not kill an armored opponent) (added 1/26/00)
- L'Armurerie du Roi (maille armor (Canada)) (added 6/9/00)
- Ladies Weapons - an art project (and now for something completely different (Italy)) (added 6/9/00)
- Circa 1256 (re-enactment group (U.K.)) (added 6/26/00)
- Electronic Journals of Martial Arts and Sciences(added 12/01/00)
- Man at Arms Magazine and Mowbray Publishing (publications for antique gun and sword collectors) (link updated 12/10/00)
- Medieval Armies DBA page (mainly tabletop wargaming, but some good research) (added 2/13/01)
- The Ring Lord (chain mail supplies) (added 4/25/01)
- Admiral Steel (all kinds of steel and knife and sword blanks) (added 5/23/01)
- Albion Works (furniture, clothing and accessories for medievalists) (added 5/27/01)
- The English Wheel (looks like a nifty tool for making armor) (link updated 9/26/01)
- Chainmail & More (fashions, accessories, and jewelry in metal) (link updated 01/17/02)
- Iron Bear Studios (medieval/renaissance combat gaming) (added 04/08/02)
- Valiant Co. (Southeast Asian weaponry) (added 07/06/02)
- Roleplaying Directory (LARP, online, and boardgame links) (added 07/22/02)
- Belle & Blade Home Video (great selection of sword-swinging and warfare films) (link updated 11/26/03)
- H.H. Perkins Co. (rattan supplier) (link updated 11/29/09)
- KnifeWebGuide (gateway to knife, sword, and cutlery information) (link updated 11/28/03)
- Boots by Bohemond (SCA, persian, cavalier boots custom made) (link updated 11/28/03)
- Emorkian Arms (SCA basket hilts) (added 12/02/09)

Here are more miscellaneous links.
- The Re-enactor
- Norton Armouries - Home
- Low Profile Gear
- Randal Graham, swordsmith & cutler
- Oakeshott Institute
- JManly: Assault at arms: Wolf
- The Order of the Seven Hearts
- Guilds of St. Michael - North/South
- das Todesengel Fahnlein - Landsknecht Re-enactment
- Das Heiligesturm Fähnlein - A Southern California Renaissance Faire Reenactment Guild
- Master Armourer Chris Dobson
- Historia Aktiv (Germany)
- The Dha research index
- Bronze Age shipwreck excavation at Uluburun - tools & weapons
- Torvaldr's Leatherworks
- The Historic Combat Series
- (knives from Ceylon/Sri Lanka)
- Whisnant Antiques in New Orleans
- Oakeshott's Typology
- Johns Swords (personal collection display)
- Legion XXIV MA - Home Page
- Frazier Historical Arms Museum (Lousiville, KY)
- Russian medieval arms illustrations
- WWI designed armor from Medieval Armours
- Samarkandia: The market of the steppe warriors
- Knight's armours from the hands of blacksmith Gotscha Lagidse
- Rapier Training - William Wilson
- Articles by Ramon Martinez (Spahich school rapier)
- Journal of Western Martial Art frames page
- Philippine People (ethnographic identification resource)
- Vince Evans Bladesmith Homepage
- La Manufacture de Klingenthal
- Fantasy weapons (U.K.)
- OnLineArmory
- DarkHeart Armoury Home
- NOVA Online | Secrets of Lost Empires | Medieval Siege | Destroy the Castle
- Plessis Armouries (U.K.)
- Using the battle axe
- Tallows FX - Latex swords (U.K.)
- Four Horsemen Productions - The landsknecht movie
- La Paloma Hats
- Low Profile Gear - makers of plastic armor
- Pennsic Independent | The news of the War on-line, at the War, and at home
- Histrical European Martial Arts
- Honorblade's Online SCA Demo
- Bullshido: Exposing Fraud in the Martial Arts
- (Japanese armor site)
- Lady and Sword / Female Single Combat Club)
- Talhoffer's Alte Armatur und Ringkunst (1459) - german transcription
- Castles of the United States
- M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans International League
- Historical Pankration Project
- Petter Wrestling manuscript
- Dragon's Breath Forge, Knives and Ironwork
- OnLineArmory.Com - armor stand plans
- Babes with Blades - Fantasy Art with an Edge!
- Polish Renaissance Warfare
- JNC, Barton-Wright, Self Defence with a cane part 1
- JNC, Barton-Wright, Self Defence with a cane part 2
- Roman Army Talk (forum for Roman reenactors)
- LRPStore Ltd (LARP supplies)
- The Antique Cannon SuperStore
- A New System of Sword Exercise for Infantry (Richard Burton's sword drills)
- Broadsword Exercises -
- Armour Research Society
- Roman Military Equipment
- cantar de mio cid introduction
- The Landeszeughaus in Graz - the interactive armoury
- Four Horsemen Video Productions
- Thalhofer 1459
- Longsword Fencing - Main
- Moyo Nguvu - Afrikan martial arts
- New Riders of the Golden Age
- Paul's Antique Arms & Armour
- Swashbuckler's Cove
- Norton Armouries - Armour for LRP, LARP and Reenactment
- Fake Bronze Cannons
- White Rose Armoury (U.K.)
- Medieval Battles | Recreationist Battles in Washington | Ragnaroc
- A.B. Hammer (armor)
- Modern Knives Video Magazine
- Lord Entropy's Armour and Leatherworks
- Polish Army Museum (private photos)
- MS I.33 sword & buckler (translation)
- James Arlen Gillaspie Artist Metalsmith Armour Maker
- Academy of Knightly Arts
- SCA Rapier garb - from fighting to feasting
- Medieval Stuff
- World Championship Jousting Association
- Blankenshield Armoury
- Leather Mystics.
- Rockett's Forge & Btass Works
- Academie d'Espee - A Treatise Concerning Leg Wounds
- Academie d'Espee - Kingdom of Atlantia
- Woodland Archery
- Celtic armor and weapons
- Free Artillery Company, Army of the Earl of Montrose
- Swordcrafts - aluminum training swords
- Roman Army Talk v2 :: Index
- Archeologisch Themapark Archeon
- The Greek Warriors
- Bra Lankar
- Historical Weapons - Arms and Armor Webrings.
- Thor's Armor Page
- Claudio's Page
- War Scholar links
- Historical Fencing Manuals Online -- Swords & Swordsmanship
- The Physics of Medieval Archery
- African Weapons, Spears, Clubs, Knives, Authentic, Traditional - R & R Traders
- The Academy of Theatrical Combat
- Art of Combat's Swordfighting and Martial Arts Convention Page
- Pacific Yew, Inc. - - Maker of fine yew longbows
- English Longbows
- Senmedeltida soldat
- l'art mur
- Polish Light Artillery
- Oaks Armoury
- Art of Combat Home Page
- Lyonesse Armoury
- sword and buckler of Liechtenaur
- Arms and Armour of the Anglo-Saxon and Viking Age -Spear
- Paul Binns Swords
- A Guide to Bartholomew's SCA Armor
- Howstuffworks How Sword Making Works
- Tritonworks Scabbards - Main
- Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia
- James River Armoury Main Page
- Sword Impacts and Motions
- The Sword Collector Home Page
- Ashcraft - Baker
- Nodachi
- The Shadow of Leaves (japanese supplies)
- Late Medieval Illustrated Manuscripts from the Bibliotheca Palatina - digitized
- The Key Role of Impurities in Ancient Damascus Steel Blades
- MetalArts Home Page
- The Myth of Thrusting Vs. Cutting Swords
- UT-PICURE Stibbert Museum
- Practical Capo Ferro
- East Kingdom Siege Weapons OnāLine Handbooke
- Middlesex Village Trading Company
- Arrows of Melanesia a Neglected Art Form on
- Meyer's Fechtbuch
- Collegium Gladiatorium
- The Armoury (U.K.)
- Macallen Armourers -The British armoury for hisoric replica swords, daggers and armour-
- Loyalist Arms (black powder)
- Bandoliers for Musketeers
- BFS Home
- Nihon-To Trader
- Kamat's Potpourri Weapons - Ancient Indian Weapons
- Weapons in ancient Egypt
- Making helmet liners (Fourth Armoury)
- Windrose_home
- Welcome to the Todesengel Fechtschule
- Grex - armouring company - Home Page
- Armor by Russell Chalk (U.K.)
- Samurai Sports Inc.
- GirlKnights (not safe for work)
- Sword Guards or Postures
- Contemporary Thai swords - forums
- Ansteorra's Sidesword Program
- Schofield Leather
- Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts
- I.33 Flowchart Draft
- Wilhelm von Helschmeidt (Russia)
- nostro swords
- Paul Binns Swords
- Schola Gladiatoria
- Web Gallery of Art
- The Dubious Quick Kill, part 1
- Longsword Fencing - Main
- All these associations.... uh! - NetSword Discussion Forums
- Publication you may like - NetSword Discussion Forums
- Vladimir Cervenka, Swordsmith (Czech Republic)
- The Swordsman's Academy of Self-Defense
- 75years - Great Helms
- Brettun's Village Leather
- Leather Armor
- Primitive Weapons Home Page
- Northshield A&S - Armor of a Wealthy 7th Century Northern European Warrior
- Windrose_home
- Peascod Breastplate
- Armour by William Hurt main page
- Bellatrix Fighting School
- Stonekeep Armory
- military helmets
- chinese swords
- ISF - Kabutowari Article
- Stockholms Auktionsverk
- white mountain armory
- LOTR Costume Research Home
- Blacksmithing in the 21st Century
- - Blacksmithing and Metalworking Reference
- Medieval Swords, Clothing, Armour, Leather and Martial Arts
- I33 Flowchart Analysis Notes
- Sword Maiden - Armor
- REM - Crests Unlimited
- Plastic Lamellar Home
- The Company of St. Martin De Tours
- Japanese Samurai Armor, Swords and Weapons
- Association for Historical Fencing (AHF)
- messer fencing
- Oakeshott's Typology
- Mardigan's Maileā¢
- French bayonets
- How to tighten a loose hilt
- Storm Trooper armor
- Fundamentals of Oldcastle Sword and Shield
- Photo Albums - Home > Antique Arms and Armour
- Origins of the two-handed sword
- Fencing Masters of the 16th & 17th Centuries
- Todd's Costumes (custom created fantasy costumes)
- MS I33 System_Flowchart.jpg
- The Leading Edge of Knife Discussion
- The Art of Longsword Combat - Book #1 Download Page
- Knives, swords, sabers and penknives.
- Paul's Antique Arms & Armour
- Arma Bohemia
- The Morning News - The Non-Expert: Historical Re-Enactors
- Karens SCA garb & pouches
- Medieval-Renaissance-Elizabethan-Victorian Clothing
- clang armory home
- Armour Archive -- Pattern Archive Lamellar by Lord Robert de Tyre
- Tournament Production
- Mace Page 1
- Brigandines
- Madrid - armor museum
- The Armourer Magazine for militaria collectors
- (EJMAS) Electronic Journals of Martial Arts and Sciences splash page
- Houston Area Blacksmiths association
- Armoury of Jiri Klepac (Czech Republic)
- Hatcrafters Home Page
- The Discriminating General (Military Uniforms)
- Black powder and muzzle loading guns, kits, parts, accessories
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Special Exhibitions
- Fencing Timeline
- Equitation militaire. - LE BAJUTSU
- The Dha research index
- On the Pell
- KWAR2004
- Britannia, The Arthurian Society.
- Realistic Sparring Weapons - Products
- Fantasy Weapons - U.K.
- The Modern Heraldry Company
- Armillium(armor and weaponry and supplies for Roman reenactors) (Italy)

And even more miscellaneous links - this is stuff that's been gathering in my bookmarks
since 2007 or so.
- James Klock's Translation Page - Fabian von Auerswald, 1539
- Battle Axe Use Reconstruction
- Northeast Ohio Historical European Martial Arts Society
- Schola Gladiatoria - Fior di Battaglia - Armored Pollaxe
- The Manly Art of Quarter-Staff by Tony Wolf
- Tribal Melbourne - art and arms of Oceania
- Antique Asian Weapons
- Manual of Bayonet Exercise
- The Sword Exercise Arrainged for Military Instruction
- Kabal Fencing
- Midrealm historical/instructional Vidoes
- Renaissance festival books: British Library
- Dick's Dumb-bell and Indian-Club Exercises
- Shovelglove: Functional Sledgehammer Exercise in 14 minutes time
- Prussian military swords (in German)
- Bartholomew Bramble's Schoole of Defence
- Leather Weight and Thickness Conversions
- The Armour Research Society
- Mid-Atlantic Society for Historic Swordsmanship
- Don Diego
- Kozando - Japanese armor
- The Spudgun Technology Center - Details for the The SP9004
- Spartan Warbands (reenactors)
- How a Landknecht shall be dressed
- Historic Treatises and Manuals
- Jared Kirby - actor and fight director
- Pan-Historical European Martial Arts Society
- Lanes Armoury (U.K.) antiques
- Knotwolf Armory (Helms and armor for SCA combat.)
- Maori Weaponry
- Collecting Bayonets
- Ulrich Bretscher's black powder page
- Sword Testing on Tires
- George's Arms & Armor Pictures (Japanese and Russian)
- Anampora: A truly Sri Lankan fighting art
- Japanese Type 30 bayonet variations
- Defence against a dagger - de liberi
- Western Sword Arts Publication Press
- Age of Armour
- Who's Who in Medieval History and the Renaissance
- Medieval History - Life in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
- Viking Shields
- The Two-Handed Great Sword
- ARMA Essays - Swords & Swordsmanship
- The Propstore of London - Movie props and hollywood costumes
- Arms and Armor From Iran
- Black Hydra Armouries
