site updates 01/16/25 updated 01/16/25
new and featured/ sharp swords/ blunt swords/ weapons/ japanese and chinese swords/ helmets/ armor/ shields and bucklers/ world antiques/ antiques sold gallery/ news/ ordering/
(editor's note: This page was created as my first web project in October 1994. Out of respect and nostalgia for the early days of the WWW,
I've left this page pretty much as it was created.)
Everybody's got to have a hobby other than seeking information-overload via the internet. Well, I've found a way to incorporate both my net addiction and my fascination with armor and weapons. This web page is a start - it's based on a random collection of arms and armor photos from George Cameron Stone's "A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor in All Countries and In All Times" that I found deep in a K-12 gopher. I did the descriptions out of memory, so if you notice any errors in nomenclature, drop me a letter and I'll fix it. Click on the thumbnail picture or on the description to see the full version. over people have waited patently for these images to load (counter reset from 77,500 on 8/2/99)
European arms and armor
Japanese arms and armor
Indo-Persian arms and armor
Malaysian arms and armor
Miscellaneous arms and armor
page created 10/94 ... last modified: 5/20/96