
Cawood viking sword

The celebrated Cawood Sword, named after its discovery location near Cawood Castle in England, is regarded as one of the finest and best-preserved examples of an 11th century Viking sword in existence. Preserved in the mud of the River Ouse for almost a millenium, the sword is on display in the Yorkshire Museum. What is almost certainly a "sister" sword was unearthed in Norway in 1888, giving a valuable clue to the Cawood sword's origin. This sword features a lobated pommel and steeply down-curved quillons, with a sharp blade with deep fullers forged in 5160 high-carbon steel. The weight and balance provide for a very usable sword (hello, understatement of the year - this sword ROCKS!). No details of the original scabbard are known, but the molded leather styling of this scabbard is typical of the period.

length: 35 1/4"
blade: 29 5/8"
blade width: 2" at base
blade width: 1 1/8" at 2" from tip
grip and pommel: 5 3/8"
guard: 6 5/8" x 3"
balance point: 4 1/4" from guard
weight (sword): 2 lb 4.5 oz
weight (sword and scabbard): 2 lb 15.0 oz

Price: $365

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