
classic European longsword

This excellent cutting sword is Cold Steel's version of the classic European 14th century longsword, also known as a bastard sword or hand-and-a-half sword. For a sword of this size, it's amazingly light and fast, tipping scales at just over 3 lbs. The 1060 high carbon steel mirror-polished blade is quite wide so it can produce deep shearing type cuts, yet is pointed enough to be effective in thrusts. The long grip is suitable for both one or two handed use and is wood covered in black leather capped with a scent stopper pommel. Fully sharpened and ready to slaughter tatami, water bottles, flying pizza boxes, cardboard rolls, and pool noodles. Comes with a leather covered wooden scabbard with steel fittings.

length: 46 1/8"
blade: 33 11/16"
blade width: 1 3/4" at guard
blade width: 1" at 2" from tip
grip and pommel: 11 3/4"
leather grip: 9 7/16"
guard: 8"
balance point: 3 3/4" from guard
weight (sword): 3 lb 2.9 oz
weight (sword and scabbard): 3 lb 13.5 oz

Here are some overblown histrionics and men with extremely bad cutting form showing you just how strong this sword is:

(ignore the histrionics and bad form, and concentrate on the strength of the sword, por favor.
"I wouldn't want my foot in that boot!")

Price: $320

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